Cicada is a very interesting insect. It has a distinctive set of eyes that are wide apart. Its body features also contain short antennae and front wings made up of membrane. Let us learn some fun facts about this insect. ...

The clouded leopard is a wild cat. These animals are often found on the foothills of the Himalayas and in some parts of Southeast Asia. It is named after a cloud-like dusky grey irregular pattern throughout its body. Let us ...

Chameleons are best known for changing color. They are very skilled in climbing and visual hunting. They are warm habitats and are found in different places throughout the world. Let us learn some cool and fun facts about chameleons. Interesting ...

Cheetahs are big cats. One can find them in the African jungle and central Iran. Apart from that, they also live throughout the world, including India. They are very aggressive and focused toward their prey which makes them a spirit ...

Centipedes are tiny invertebrates that are members of the arthropod family. Centipedes are found throughout the planet, including places near the Arctic Circle, and there are about 8000 species. Forests, tropical rain-forests, prairies, and savannas are common habitats for centipedes.  ...

Caterpillars are a type of insect we can see all around. They are the larval stage of their parent moths and butterflies. We can see the caterpillar roaming around our houses and trees. Some interesting facts about caterpillars It may ...

Catfish is a type of fish mainly found in coastal and inland waters. They are found all around the world except in Antarctica. Their name is such because they have whiskers around their mouth which are similar to the cat. ...

Cats are among the animals that humans love most. It is a beautiful and cute pet that everyone adores. Most of the cats are very playful, which makes them more graceful. So let us learn some intimidating and fun facts ...

Caracal is a fascinating animal. This wild animal belongs to the medium-size cat family. They can be located in the arid regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East. It has unique ears. Now let us learn some interesting and ...

The butterfly is one of the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. They are very vibrant in color and have a very swift motion. It gives pleasure to our eyes watching a butterfly traveling from one flower to another ...

Bumblebees are very interesting creatures. They are the fat and fuzzy fliers which exist in very small size. Their round bodies are covered with soft hairs which make them appear and feel fuzzy. There are many facts about this tiny ...

Spiders are generally very dangerous and venomous. Black widow spider is very harmful and its bite can be cause of human death. It is of black color and has red shaped spot shaped like hour glass. Some cool and interesting ...