This is one of the symbolic representatives of a country’s natural prosperity. Its selection is based on several criteria. The national animal may be selected on the basis that it represents the distinctive characteristics with which a country wishes to identify. Animals should be in abundance within the country.

Most national animals must be indigenous to that country and unique to the country’s identity. It should be a source of visual beauty. Today, we are going to share some interesting facts about the Bengal Tiger.


They are majestic and deadly, and at the same time, they are the most beautiful carnivores among Indian fauna.

The Royal Bengal Tiger is a symbol of strength, agility, and grace, a combination unmatched by any other animal.

The tiger is found in various parts of the Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

Royal Bengal Tigers reside in many parks in India.

Royal Bengal Tigers are one of the most beautiful and regal animals found in India.

They have a coat of short hair on their body, which is golden brown with vertical black stripes, and a white underbelly.

The color of the eye is yellow.

It has a white coat with brown or black stripes and blue eye color.

They have large canines up to 10 cm long and have large retractable claws.

Males grow up to 3 meters from nose to tail and weigh between 180 and 300 kg.

Females of this species can weigh between 100 and 160 kg and attain the largest size at 2.6 m. The largest-ever Royal Bengal Tiger weighs about 390 kg.

There are total 2000 Bengal Tigers left in the wild.

The royal Bengal tiger is the national animal of both India and Bangladesh.

Royal Bengal tigers are excellent swimmers because they are found in mangrove forests, which are prone to flooding every year.

The baby of tigers are known as cubs.

They have a lifespan of 25 years.

The scientific name of the Bengal tiger is Panthera tigris tigris.

India has the largest tiger population in the world.

Bengal tiger hunts animals like deer, wild boar, cattle and goats for their food.

The gestationĀ period of a tiger is 3 months, and they give birth to 1-6 cubs at a time.