We humans don’t need God to live a happy life; we can live a happy life without even God; it’s our soul that needs God because the soul is part of God. Once it is released from this body, it will attach itself to God, but there is a condition: it will only attach itself to God when you get Moksha (liberation from the cycle of death and birth).

Moksha is achieved in Samadhi (deep meditation), and self-realization is the first step towards Moksha. In self-realization, we try to discover ourselves and not God; God is beyond our mind and body; it is Chetan, and our body is Jad (lifeless) without Atman.

What is God?

According to Bhagwat Geeta:

God is like Krishna, who is both one and many. God is the greatest, without limits, everywhere, and all-powerful. God is eternal, beyond life and death, and everything and nothing at the same time. God is the beginning of everything and is known for being the best. God lives in all people, saves those who do wrong, and looks after the universe’s laws. God can end things and is the reason everything exists. God is like a parent, friend, lover, and grandparent to everyone.

God is also in nature and our minds; he gives life to everything, teaches us, and lights up the world.

The Spirit, which is hard to understand and can’t be seen or imagined, is the source of all life. This spirit is the same as our true selves and is where all living things come from. Learning about this spirit helps us go beyond the cycle of life and death.

We can reach God in many ways, but loving and worshiping God with all our hearts is the best way. God likes it when we worship sincerely, not just for what we can get. There are different ways to worship, but the best worship is not for our own gain.

How can the existence of God be proven?

The Bhagavad Gita says that we can know that God exists by understanding our true selves. This self is a part of God and never changes. By knowing ourselves, we can know God, who is also unchanging.

The Gita tells us that loving God deeply and giving ourselves to God helps us know God better. When we love God and think about God in everything we do, we can feel God’s presence.

The Gita also teaches that God is in everything around us. When we meditate and think deeply, we learn that God made everything and keeps everything going. We start to see God’s power in the whole world.

Why do we need God?

We need God because God is everything. We need God because we are not separate from creation; we are all part of God and the creation itself, so it becomes our duty to know the creation.

In Hinduism, God is considered essential for several reasons:

  • Source of Creation: The ultimate cause and source of all existence is regarded as God, also known as Brahman. Everything arises from Brahman and eventually comes back to it.
  • Sustainer of the Universe: Gods like Vishnu are regarded as the universe’s guardians, preserving harmony and order in the cosmos.
  • Moral Order: The cosmic law that upholds society, people, and the entire universe is called dharma, and God is its defender. It is thought that adherence to dharma results in spiritual development and liberation.
  • Path to Liberation: The path to moksha, or freedom from the cycle of birth and death, is believed to be realized as one’s unity with God, or Atman.
  • Object of Devotion: Personal deities are the focus of devotional practices, or bhakti, which cultivate a close, intimate relationship with God and are thought to be an effective way to achieve spiritual enlightenment and liberation.

These features draw attention to Hinduism’s god’s complex role, which includes creation, preservation, and people’s moral and spiritual advancement.


