AI refers to artificial intelligence, which you can consider to be machine intelligence. AI is designed to replace small and medium-scale tasks that humans do. AI is a part of automation that the world has been working on for a long time.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is about making machines that can think and do things smartly, like Google’s search or self-driving cars. Most of the time, AI is used to help people, but it could be used badly if the wrong people use it. Right now, we have AI that can do specific jobs, like recognizing faces or understanding language. But in the future, we want to make AI that can do anything a smart person can do, and maybe even do it better.

Even though AI is designed to be beneficial, there is concern that, in the process of achieving its objectives, it may act detrimentally. An AI tasked with protecting an endangered species, for instance, might damage other environmental components because it would not consider them to be as vital.

Ensuring AI does what we want it to do in the right way is a challenging task. AI with big or unclear goals should be avoided, as it may make poor decisions in order to achieve them.

Here is a list of some risky scenarios that artificial intelligence could lead to in the future.

  1. Privacy: Everyone should have privacy. But AI might make us lose it. Today, cameras with facial recognition can spot you in a crowd. AI can also track what you do every day by looking at your social media. China is making a system that scores people’s behavior using AI. If you have a low score, you might not be able to travel, or you might be seen as less important.
  2. Robots in War: Some robots can find and attack targets on their own. Many countries are making these robots. A Chinese defense leader said future wars will use these robots. But, these robots could be dangerous. They might hurt innocent people by mistake. If bad governments use them, it could be really bad. Right now, humans still have to give the final order to attack. But, as technology gets better, this problem could grow.
  3. Jobs: AI is getting better and might take over many jobs. A report says 800 million jobs could be lost by 2030 because of robots. Some people believe that AI will create new jobs, which could be beneficial. But this might only be good for people who are already rich and educated. The gap between rich and poor could get bigger. Company owners would make more money, but people who lose their jobs to robots would have less. We might need new ways to make sure everyone can still earn money. AI will have a greater impact on daily workers as most of these tasks can be automated. Even though AI could create new jobs, not everyone might have the skills for them. Jobs that require a lot of education might also be vulnerable to AI replacement.
  4. AI and Terrorism: AI can do a lot of good, but it can also help terrorists. Terror groups use drones to attack. ISIS did this in Iraq in 2016. If many drones were used at once, it could be very dangerous. Terror groups can use AI for their bad intentions and every governments should be careful. Every country should make some kind of law for the use of AI, just like an atomic bomb.
  5. AI Transparency: AI can be hard to understand. Sometimes, we don’t know how AI makes decisions or what data it uses. This can lead to AI making wrong or unsafe choices. People are trying to make AI more explainable, but it’s going to take time.
  6. Social Manipulation: AI can influence what people think, especially on social media. For example, politicians might use AI to change what young people think. TikTok is one app that uses AI to decide what videos to show you. But this AI might not always stop bad or wrong information from spreading. This makes it hard to trust what we see and hear online.


To conclude, we can say that it depends on humans how they want to evolve AI, but not all humans are good; bad humans may use it for their bad intentions. If AI is programmed badly, it can cause destruction, just like an atomic bomb.
