How can India become a superpower in the next year? Westerners think Indians are dreaming of becoming superpowers. But it’s not just a dream. It’s a reality; India is already a superpower. India has been a superpower since ancient times, around 1000 years ago.

Every superpower has it’s doomsday. Today, Britain is no longer a superpower like it once was. The same thing happened with India. When foreign invaders invaded it thousands of years ago, it lost its superpower status.

India is again going to become a superpower, and it’s not a new thing for India. India is reclaiming and rising.

The nominal GDP

As you can see from the World Bank’s shared graph above, India’s GDP increased by about 400 billion dollars between 2010 and 2015. Now you may wonder what’s so interesting about this. Let me tell you, look closely It took India 5 years to add 400 billion, but see from 2015 to 2017. What you see? It added $400 billion in just 2 years.

so currently, as of 2018, India’s GDP is 2.6 trillion. It means that by the end of the year 2019, India’s GDP will be 3 trillion dollars because it will add another 400 billion dollars in just 1 year.

1 United States19,390,600
2 China12,014,610
3 Japan4,872,135
4 Germany3,684,816
5 United Kingdom2,624,529
6 India2,611,012

If you look at the list of countries by nominal GDP, India is in the 6th position. So by the end of the year 2019,. India will replace the United Kingdom (the people who think India runs on their aid) to become the 5th largest economy.

Being the top 5 economy of the world is’t a super power ?? You can not see Russia here, still Russia is called super power due to it’s military strength.

India will grow at a rate of 7.5 % from 2019 to 2020, which means by the end of 2020, India will either replace Germany or there will be neck-to-neck completion as there is today with UK.

Life expectancy at birth, total (years)

India will still be 4th largest military power by the year 2020. So what makes you think India will not be in the club of super powers.

By the end of the year 2020, India will be the 4th largest super power in the world.

Now let’s open the eyes of westerners who talk about Toilets.

Under Clean India Mission, the Modi government has constructed around 10 crore individual household toilets, taking sanitation coverage from 39% in 2014 to 100% in 2019, when around 6 lakh villages declared themselves Open Defecation Free (ODF).


Indians are rapists, as if every other country in this world is saint and there is no rape in westerners home. If we talk about rape per capita, India stands no where in the list of rapists countries. Why per capita? because if we take rape cases in a country with a population of 1 billion, certainly it will be higher than rape case in UK, Sweden, Israel, and the USA. The fair comparison would be to add all the rape cases in Europe plus the USA and compare them with those in India, but then the rape cases in the western world would be 20 times higher than those in India.

The sad truth is that people make porn. Who are incest, who sleep with multiple partners. These young girls joins porn and feel proud. Whose girls are raped and it’s just ok, there will be no report, no news, and what so ever talk about rape case in India and call India a rapists country? What a disgrace your Christianity has done with your western guys.

The people whose POPE rape young girls in Churches talk about rape cases India. Western people should be ashamed of their rape culture at least its reported in India and also reported of media. But that doesn’t mean Indians are rapists and POPE is a saint.

The TOP 10 list of country according to rape statistics, India is at 5th place. And trust me, no Indians were involved in creating this list. The questions is why westerners are so dumb to know the truth themselves rather than believing on their fake news channel.

The Cows

Indians worship cows. Is it true? No, Indians do not worship cows but cows are considered sacred animals. So what is reason behind this? India has been the cradle of human civilization and ancient people were mostly vegetarians who used to farm and raise cattle. They relied on cow for milk. So indirectly, cow have saved our ancient people from dying of hunger when crop failed. Cow are innocent animals; keeping a cow used to bring prosperity to our ancient people That is why cow are sacred and there is no other reason.

By the year 2030, India will definitely be a superpower, replacing Germany and will have neck-to-neck competition with Japan or have surpassed Japan.