What are aquatic birds?

Aquatic birds are those that live in or near water. You can find them in lakes, rivers, and by the sea. These birds have special body parts that help them live in water. For example, some have waterproof feathers, and others have feet that are good for swimming. Aquatic birds include many kinds, like ducks, swans, and kingfishers. They eat things found in the water, and some of them even dive underwater to catch fish. These birds are important because they are part of the water world and help keep the environment healthy. People enjoy watching them because they are interesting and pretty.

List of Aquatic birds



These medium-sized, multi-colored birds are among the most beautiful water birds in India. Across the country, you can spot species such as the common kingfisher, blue-eared kingfisher, shining-blue kingfisher, white-breasted kingfisher, and pied kingfisher.



Ducks are common in both seawater and fresh water. Some species found in India include the Spotted Billed Duck, Indian Runner Duck, Pink-headed Duck, and West Indian Whistling Duck.



Terns are seabirds often found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands. One such species is the Indian River Tern, which lives along inland rivers in the Indian subcontinent.



Egrets: These wading birds are widespread in India. Common sightings include species such as the Intermediate Egret, Yellow-billed Egret, Little Egret, and Cattle Egret. 



Ibises: Long-legged wading birds often feed in groups. The Indian Black Ibis, along with other species like the Black-headed Ibis and Red-naped Ibis, is widespread on the Indian subcontinent.



Herons: Freshwater and coastal bird species include the Indian Pond Heron, Purple Heron, and Great Blue Heron. You can spot these elegant birds in the Western Ghats region.



Storks are large, flying water birds found in various regions of India. This group includes species such as the Asian Openbill Stork, White-necked Stork, and Painted Stork.



Snipes: Indian marshes are home to the medium-sized, plump Greater Painted Snipe. Other species include the common snipe and Wilson’s snipe.



Seagulls are migratory birds frequently seen in the Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary of Andhra Pradesh. The Krishna mangroves are famous for hosting seagulls.


Darters: Known for their snake-like swimming appearance, the darters inhabit Indian waters. The Indian darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is one such species.

Frequently asked Questions about Aquatic birds

What are aquatic birds?

Aquatic birds are those that live in or near water. They have special features, such as webbed feet or waterproof feathers, that help them swim and dive.

Where do aquatic birds live?

Numerous locations, such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, and coastal areas, are home to aquatic birds.

What do aquatic birds eat? 

Many eat fish, insects, and plants that they find in the water.

Can all aquatic birds swim?

Most can swim, but not all. Some birds live near water and feed themselves without swimming.

Do aquatic birds migrate? 

Yes, many aquatic birds migrate to different places depending on the season.

How long do aquatic birds live?

Their lifespans vary. Small birds may live around 5 years, while larger ones can live up to 20 years.

Are aquatic birds important? 

Yes, they are important for the environment. They help control insect populations and spread plant seeds.

How can I identify an aquatic bird? 

Look for birds near water with features like long legs, webbed feet, or specialized beaks for fishing.

Are aquatic birds endangered?

Habitat loss, pollution, and climate change threaten some species.

How can we help protect aquatic birds? 

Protecting their habitats, reducing pollution, and supporting conservation efforts can help.
