The mighty Himalayas extend for around 2900 KM, from Nanga Parwat to Namcha Barwa. The collision between Indian and Eurasian plates led the formation of Himalayas. The formation of these mountains started 40 to 50 million years ago.

Here in this article we are going to list down why Himalayas are important for India.

Despite having Mountain Everest as the highest of this mountain range. Himalayas is still rising. It continue to rise more than 1 cm every year.

Act as Natural Wall

Himalayas act as a Natural Wall and thus protects people from any foreign invasion from the North. It is almost impossible to fight a full fledged war on these cold mountains. The vast range of Himalayas forms a natural wall along northern side of India.

Source of Fresh Water for many Rivers

There is a heavy snow fall in the higher resign of this mountain and when same snow melts during summer it recharges many rivers in Norther India. Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers are fed by the waters of melting snow and glaciers. These rivers are the main source of fresh water for many people along the river side.

Good for generating hydroelectricity

52 percent of Hydro power in India is dependent upon rivers originating in Himalayas. These rivers receive most part of their water from melting of Glaciers.

Stop Cold and Dry Winds From Central Asia (North)

It stops cold winds from Siberia to flow to Indian sub continent hence it helps to maintain moderate temperature in India.

Check Monsoon Winds

Himalayas blocks the rain bearing monsoon winds from Arabian sea and the bay of Bengal from crossing over to Northern countries and hence causes heavy rainfall in the northern India.

Carry fertile soil

The rivers originating from Himalayas carry great amount of alluvial soil down the plane into northern India. These soils get deposited into the great planes of norther India. This makes north India the most fertile place in the world. That is why most of the prominent north cities are located beside river banks.

Important for Tourism

The magnificent scenic beauty of Himalayas attracts thousands of tourists and have many tourist hot spots. Beautiful Hill stations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Kulu, Manali, Dharamshala are located in Himalayas and are important place for tourism. The cool and comfortable climate of Himalayas provide relief to many people during summers in India.

Himalayan Forest

The Himalayan forests provide shelter to many kinds of wild animals. Tropical and subtropical forests are found with broad leaves. This tropical region is home to elephants, tigers and bird species.

Great source of Herbs and Medicine

Himalayas is great source of Herbs and medicinal plants used in Ayurveda.


Himalayan regions have great deposits of coal, mica, gypsum, graphite, copper, lead, and zinc.