Hot deserts

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Hot deserts are present mostly in the subtropical regions. These deserts can be covered by rock, sand, salt lakes, mountains and stony hills. The most of the popular deserts are hot in the day time and cold in the night and the temperature can be raise upto 50’C and in the night below 0’C.

The Sahara is considered as the World’s hottest and the largest dessert in North America. The area of this desert can be more than the area of the Europe or United States.

The Atacama Desert which is in South America is considered as the world’s driest desert in South America. This desert does not receive rain for 401 years and is made by the cold ocean current.

Why these areas are so hot when compared to other?

These deserts are present near to the equator. Let’s see an example to know more about this in detail.

For examples: let us consider two rays namely Ray A and Ray B. Here, Ray A is striking the earth at a location similar to that of the UK and Ray B also striking the earth at the hot desert areas. Ray B heats small area of the ground and so the heat is very concentrated.

Therefore, the heat can get enter into the small areas if the entire part is getting heat, then the concentration of the heat was high. Due to this, the earth gets curved and the ray B heats a larger area and the heat can be more dispersed and mot as intense. So that, the ray B can travel further if the ray B travels further, then it becomes weaker by collecting most of the dirt particles on its arrival.


The flash flooding mainly occurs due to conventional rainfall and by this, the area becomes very hot. These warm area heats the air which is present above it and this process force the air which is heated to rise.

Flooding can be happen when the ground gets baked very hard by the sun and the large storms raindrops are not infiltrated the surface of the desert. The rain water flows in the ground surface and excessive flow may cause flooding.

Hot deserts can easily available in every continents such as Sahara desert, Kalahari desert, Arabian desert, the great Victoria desert in Australia, Gobi desert in Asia and The Great Basin desert in North America.


The ecosystem in Hot Deserts:

In hot deserts, all the living beings have the capability to survive. Here most of the time dust, as well as sand particles, are blown by the wind. Some deserts are also there who are helpful for making vegetation like small shrubs, trees, Cactus species, etc.

Conversion of water techniques like cuticles as well as spiny leaves are also observed in this vegetation. In addition to these, there are many plants who have adapted these techniques to open stomata during night times to reduce water loss. The great thing in hot deserts is most of the animals can survive under soil or in burrows. Some animals can live their lives in these regions like Kangaroo, rats, and reptiles and are adapted to live under burrows.

Here insects inhabit the trees and flowers and birds hover around the sky, they hover to find the prey animals in the deserts.

We can find hot deserts in many tropical places in the world in which rainfall is very less and evaporation is too high. The reptiles and amphibians are present in the hot deserts.