The development of a country depends on the initiatives taken by its citizens. We have to fix certain milestone before starting the real process of development. It will be great if we fix 2030 as a milestone and make the ...

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep,” says one of the paragraphs in a poem by the famous poet Robert Frost It depicts the mental state of ...

In today’s age of overinflated success stories, where everyone is looking to get rich quick and does not have time to take a single misstep in the wrong direction, failure has become synonymous with incompetence. If you fail to get ...

A risk is something which is inbuilt in human beings. If it weren’t that, we wouldn’t have come to the lane in which we exist today. Our ancestral human beings took the risk of rubbing two stones together and this ...

Since the Internet has come, it has changed everything We no longer rely on books for knowledge, nor do we have to pay heavy bills to talk to our near and dear ones Also, we don’t have to roam the market ...

The school is the place of nostalgia. The place of fear, panic, fun and Friends, of course, has turned into a cherished past in our memory eventually. But not to forget, it was a place for getting marks and grades. ...

What is the definition of a career? The word “career” can mean two things. It’s often used to talk about the kind of work you do, like a job or profession. This could be something that needs a lot of ...

Depression is a Mood disorder that causes feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression is a mental health problem where someone feels very sad or loses interest in things for a long time. It’s not just feeling down; it ...

Facts: just one word that covers everything in the universe. There’s information about all we see around us. You might not know many facts, but you surely know some! If you enjoy learning random facts, you’ve come to the right ...

Arranged Marriage Definition: A marriage where someone else chooses the husband and wife without considering their background or social status. Picking someone to marry in an arranged marriage is a big choice that affects your whole life. Arranged marriages can ...