As the number of criminal cases rises, scientists have developed a technology that can accurately distinguish between truth and falsehood. The distinct genetic code contained in each person’s DNA serves as the foundation for this technology. DNA fingerprints go deeper than traditional fingerprints, which are distinctive ridges and whorls on our fingertips; they reveal the particular alleles, chromosome combinations, and DNA sequences that make each individual unique.

British geneticist Alec Jeffreys invented the idea of DNA fingerprinting in 1984. His ground-breaking research demonstrated that some DNA segments, referred to as minisatellites, are extremely variable among individuals but do not contribute to the functions of genes. Because of its variability, DNA is a great tool for identification.

Two years after its development, the potential of DNA fingerprinting was recognized in the United States and the United Kingdom. Dr. B.K. Kashyap made a major contribution to the field in India in 1988. In a Keralan court, the technology made its debut in the Indian legal system. However, it was the Madras High Court that first utilized DNA fingerprinting to solve the high-profile assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1989.

These days, DNA fingerprinting is an essential tool in many fields.

Identification of Deceased Individuals: DNA fingerprinting can yield definitive evidence in intricate cases where the identity of a deceased person is unclear. It is especially helpful when bodies are dug up for examination.

Criminal Justice: In situations where traditional evidence is insufficient, DNA evidence has provided incontrovertible proof, revolutionizing the legal system. This has aided in clearing the innocent and guaranteeing that those found guilty face consequences.

Paternity Testing: By precisely identifying biological relationships through DNA fingerprinting, disputes about parentage can be settled once and for all.

Genealogical Research: DNA fingerprinting provides a scientific way for people to build family trees and find genetic connections when researching their ancestry.

DNA fingerprinting is the process of removing DNA from cells and examining particular genomic regions that are known to differ significantly between people. From its original method of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) to more sophisticated techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of short tandem repeats (STRs), the technique has evolved. These developments have solidified DNA finger printing’s position as a fundamental component of contemporary forensic science by making it more widely available and trustworthy.
