What is psychology?

If we define psychology simply, it means the study of human behavior and mind. A long definition would be a branch of science that studies mental processes, experiences, and behavior in different contexts.

But did you get it?

I don’t think so; these definitions are so bookish, and we need to know exactly what psychology is.

There’s a funny definition as well.

“When the brain tries to figure out itself,” this is psychology.

Let us understand psychology through questions.

If you ask questions regarding your thoughts, feelings, and actions, then this is exactly what psychology is.


The main purpose of psychology is to help people understand their decision-making process and behavior. Psychology has answer to most of our life questions.

If you act in a certain way or think something that seems unreal to you, and then you wonder why you are acting and thinking like this, then go nowhere but to a psychologist.

The purpose of psychology is to help people understand their behavior and thinking process in order to make better decisions or improve their life.


There are many types of psychology.

Abnormal psychology is the branch that deals with behaviors or mental processes that deviate significantly from what is considered typical or average. It encompasses the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders, as well as the understanding of unusual patterns of behavior, emotion, and thought. This field is crucial for identifying and helping individuals manage conditions that affect their mental health and daily functioning.

Biological Psychology: Biological psychology, also known as behavioral neuroscience, examines the biological substrates of behavior and mental processes. It explores how the brain and other aspects of our biology influence behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. This field integrates knowledge from biology, neurology, and psychology to understand how the structure and function of the brain relate to specific psychological processes.

Clinical Psychology: Clinical psychology integrates science, theory, and practice to understand, prevent, and alleviate maladjustment, disability, and discomfort. It also promotes human adaptation, adjustment, and personal development. Clinical psychologists focus on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. They often work in hospitals, private practice, or academic settings.

Cognitive psychology investigates internal mental processes such as thinking, memory, perception, and language. It is the study of how people understand, diagnose, and solve problems, emphasizing how people process information. Cognitive psychologists are interested in how people comprehend, conceptualize, and store information.

Comparative Psychology: Comparative psychology is concerned with the study of animal behavior with the aim of understanding human psychology. It involves comparing the behavior of different species to discover universal principles of behavior. Comparative psychologists may study animals in natural settings, laboratories, or zoos to learn about the evolution of behavior.

Developmental Psychology: Developmental psychology focuses on the growth and changes that occur throughout a person’s lifespan. It covers a wide range of topics, from motor skills and cognitive development to socialization and personality. This field seeks to understand how people come to perceive, understand, and act within the world and how these processes change as they age.

Forensic Psychology: Forensic psychology is the intersection of psychology and the legal system. It involves understanding and applying psychology to legal issues, such as assessing an individual’s competency to stand trial, assisting in jury selection, or providing expert testimony in court cases.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Industrial-organizational psychology applies psychological principles and research methods to the workplace to improve productivity, quality of work life, and the physical and mental well-being of employees. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, including personnel selection, organizational development, performance management, and work-life balance.

Personality psychology examines the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique. It investigates the differences between individuals and the integration of various aspects of a person’s personality. Personality psychologists study traits, motivations, and psychological processes that underlie individual behaviors.

Social psychology investigates how the actual, fictitious, or implied presence of others affects people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It scrutinizes the impact of individuals on others, delving into concepts like attitudes, group dynamics, social perception, and social interaction.