Everyone knows that there are eight planets which are present in our solar system. These planets are different from each other according to their sizes, distance of planets from the sun, etc. Some of them are very small as compare to others and consists of rock as well gases. Each and every planet is important to make a complete solar system.

Every planet consists of gravitational force and that force is working to hold the stuff which is present together in the space. When any planet becomes big after its formation, it clears its path in the orbit.

The gravitational force pulls all the planets equally in every direction. The pulling starts from the central part of the edge which is similar to wheel of a bicycle. This thing makes the shape of the planets look like spherical but actually their shapes are geoid in nature, which consists of three-dimensional sphere.

If a planet is like a cube or a sphere then the weight of the planet should be higher than all of the people who are living here. Because the planets and stars are so great, you cannot build a “foundation” with enough force to lift the corner! All of which form it can be very low in control. Finally, Gravity line breaks.

One of the strong resembles fluid, albeit slowly, when they are stretched by the strong force of gravity for a long period. Interpreter of a cubic planet or star will soon disappear. Because of the gravity of the open center of the planet or star, everything else will fall. However, the planets and the stars are not a perfect place. They spin, so they relaxed a little around the equator

The eight planets in our solar system differ in their sizes and distances from the sun. Some are small and gassy and other are big and rocky. Actually, they are not round, mostly close to round. Perhaps even somewhat rounded triangular or square planets, all planets revolve around the sun due to the reason of Gravity.

At the time of solar system formation, gravity gathered billions of gas and dust pieces into a small group of trees and plants growing closely together to become the planets. The collision of these pieces caused the new planet formation to become hot and molten. Force of gravity pulled these molten material inwards towards the planet’s center into the shape of a sphere. Planets are not perfectly spherical because they spin. The spinning force acts against gravity. They revolve around the sun because gravity pulls equally from all sides.

This makes the shape of planets a sphere that has three-dimensional circles. Jupiter and Saturn is not that much round than Earth and Mars. They are small and don’t spin around as fast as the gas giant.

The most of the planets are round in shape it is because the gravitational fields of the planets are originated from the center part of the body and make everything toward it by pooling. Several planets usually behave like a fluid which consists of internal heating by the radioactive elements that are present there. The technical name of “Isotactic adjustment’’ is given for the process of planet center of the gravity which helps to make a sphere.

Mass and Gravity are the key reasons for the planets in round form.

American Scientist Given Explanation that:

The planets are round because their gravitational field seems to emanate from the middle of the body and pulls it all the way. With its large body and internal heating of radioactive elements, the planet functions as a liquid and undergoes gravity at a long distance by pulling gravity from the center of gravity. The only way to bring all masses closer to the closest center of gravity is to form a sphere. The technical name for this process is “isotactic adjustment”, having much smaller bodies, likes 20-kilometer asteroids we seen on recent spacecraft images and also gravity is too small to overcome from the mechanical power of the asteroids. Which results, these bodies do not form any spheres. Instead, they contain irregular, fragmentary forms