India is a very diverse land as far as habitats and regions are concerned, such as grasslands, forests, deserts, and wetlands. The Indian biodiversity is such that it can easily support a whole multitude of flora and fauna. Monkeys are an essential part of this biodiversity. Many species of monkeys can be found distributed throughout the entire Indian subcontinent. Let’s check out the top 10 species of monkeys that can be found in India!

1. Rhesus Macaques

This is a well-known species of Old-World monkey. The Rhesus Macaques are distributed across the country and have a large population. This species is very native to Asia and can be found in a few Indian states and cities, such as Varanasi, Rajasthan, and Delhi.

2. Bonnet Macaque

This species of monkey is most commonly found in the southern part of the country. They live in dry deciduous forests and high evergreen forests of the mountainous region of the Western Ghats. Their back is grayish-black in color, and they generally have a long tail.

3. Assam Macaque

The species of Assam Macaque is a group of monkeys that are native to Southeast Asia. They are also largely found in Assam, which is how they get their name. These monkeys are yellowish-gray in color and have dark brown facial skin with a small tail.

4. Arunachal Macaque

The Arunachal Macaque can be located in the dense forests of the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Their size is fairly large, and they have a short tail with a dark face. They prefer living in high altitudes of Arunachal’s mountainous valleys. They are also rather endangered in the present times.

5. Stump-Tailed Macaque

The bear macaque, or stump-tailed macaque, can be located in the Brahmaputra River valley as well as in the Indian Himalayan region. This species possesses dark brown, thick fur that covers its entire body. These monkeys usually have red or pink faces and a rather short tail.

6. Lion-Tailed Macaque

This species of lion-tailed macaque can be found in the majestic Indian Western Ghats. Again, they are a part of the Old-World monkeys, just like the Rhesus Macaques. They dwell in rainforests and have a medium black and silver-white mane. It is again an endangered Indian species.

7. Pig-Tailed Macaque

This is yet another species of monkey that can be found in the northeastern part of India. States like Tripura, Assam, Manipur, and Nagaland have a number of these monkeys. This species is also sometimes known as the northern pig-tailed macaque.

8. Gray Langur

Gray langur has six different species, namely the Black-Footed Gray Langur, Tarai Gray Langur, Tufted Gray Langur, Northern Plains Gray Langur, Kashmir Gray Langur, and Southern Plains Gray Langur. This species of monkey is endemic to the southern part of India, and they generally survive on leaves.

9. Golden Langur

The Golden Langur can easily be regarded as the most beautiful as well as endangered primate species of monkeys in India. The Golden Langur is endemic to Assam and can be found in the Brahmaputra Valley. This is probably one of the most mesmerizing monkeys on the list.

10. Capped Langur

This species of primate can be found in the northeastern part of India, usually in tropical dry forests. They can also be found in some neighboring countries. They are quite similar to the Gray Langur in appearance, except for the additional cap that is present on their heads.


What are the different types of monkeys?

There are more than 260 different types of monkeys in the world, living primarily in Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, and parts of Mexico. Monkeys can adapt to a variety of environments, including forests, cities, mountains, and deserts. They usually live in groups called troops, which can vary from a small family group to a collection of many hundreds of individuals. Monkeys communicate using sounds, facial expressions, and pheromones.

What distinguishes monkeys from apes?

Monkeys have a tail (even if only a tiny nub), along with narrow-chested bodies and other features of the skeleton. Most monkeys have a short, relatively flat face with little emphasis on the muzzle. In contrast, apes generally have larger bodies, larger brains, and no tail. The order Primates includes both apes and monkeys, but they fall under different superfamilies.

What are some fascinating monkey species?

Here are a few remarkable types of monkeys:

  • Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey: It lives in a small, fragmented area of China’s Tibetan Plateau, which is visually striking.
  • Common Squirrel Monkey: Found in South America, these monkeys have olive or grayish crowns.
  • Capuchins: Spontaneously use objects as tools to crack nuts, such as stones.
  • Baboons readily learn to use sticks to obtain food.
  • Mandrills are known for their beautifully colored faces.

And many more! Explore the fascinating world of primates.

Are monkeys intelligent?

Yes, monkeys are intelligent animals. They are good at solving problems and have large brains. While they do not quite reach the cognitive levels of great apes, they exhibit inquisitiveness and adaptability. Some monkey species use objects as tools, demonstrating their problem-solving abilities.

What are the main threats to monkey populations?

Factors such as habitat loss, human conflict, hunting, or trapping for the international pet trade have classified approximately half of all monkey species as at least threatened. Conservation efforts are crucial to protecting these remarkable creatures.

Final Words

As is evident, India is home to a wide variety of monkeys that can be found throughout the country. These are the top 10 species of super-unique monkeys in India that can amaze and astonish you at the same time!