Animals that lay eggs
Animals that lay eggs includes birds fish amphibians reptiles and insects birds are warm blooded animals and they lay eggs most of them have feathers and can fly where a species are cold blooded animals and and they breathe oxygen in the water.
Amphibian animals also lay eggs.

  1. Ostrich
  2. owl
  3. hawk
  4. falcon
  5. vulture
  6. eagle
  7. hummingbird
  8. butterfly
  9. aunts
  10. chicken
  11. ducks
  12. ladybugs
  13. platypus
  14. ostrich
  15. Emo
  16. Kingfisher
  17. cockroach
  18. grasshopper
  19. clownfish
  20. bedbug
  21. chameleon
  22. lizard
  23. butterfly
  24. frog
  25. mosquito
  26. dragonfly
  27. shark
  28. cockroach
  29. vulture