Arranged Marriage Definition:

A marriage where someone else chooses the husband and wife without considering their background or social status.

Picking someone to marry in an arranged marriage is a big choice that affects your whole life. Arranged marriages can be happy and good, but sometimes people make mistakes when they’re choosing. Remember to pay attention to important things.

Some Myths about arranged Marriages.

  1. Arranged marriage means forced marriage? No, that’s not true everywhere. The bride and groom’s choices are considered, and necessary actions are taken.
  2. Do arranged marriages happen between strangers? Not really, because the bride and groom have time to get to know each other before the wedding.
  3. Is there no choice in arranged marriages? That’s incorrect. Both sides have the freedom to choose. Nowadays, the woman’s choice is often given more importance.
  4. Are arranged marriages unfair to women? Not at all. In fact, it allows parents to learn more about the groom’s character, habits, and family.

Weird Reasons Which Got One Rejected In An Arranged Marriage

It is said that marriages are made in heaven. However, the process of finding that partner in an arranged marriage is certainly a hell ride. While the young ones fight with the traditional values, the elder generation hardly can make their comfort with the modern values. Most of the times that leads to rejection of the prospective bride or groom.
There are, however, also those times when the reason for rejection isn’t exactly the one’s dwelling on the borderline of normal. They are weird! We have some funny stories for you where the bride or groom was rejected because of petty or weird reasons.
You too have such tales to share. Write in the comment below.

Just for food!

Aditi N Patil’s parents found reference of a good match from one of their mediators. Impressed by the details, they proceeded to match the horoscopes. It matched! They were happy and invited them to their home. The boy’s family was nice and the entire meeting went quite well as expected but they never received any answer. So, after two days her father called to know the response and it was NO. Why? Well, the food served was Samosa and Sharbat, not Tea and Poha.

Rejection from a Honey Singh fan

When your parents find a well-educated, presentable, and well-settled boy for you, then the next thing left on the list is to go and meet him in person. That is what Shruti Mishra decided to do when her parents found such a person. According to her, he was nice but at times he did come across as shallow and superficial. However, it was nothing that cannot be tolerated in a person. She went out with him and was impressed by the way he treated her. As time passed, she realized something was amiss. Ultimately, it was their second meet when things became clearer. The guy kept on hinting how he wanted a fair girl whereas Shruti was dark skinned. He further reflected on the fact that he thought she will he fairer in person than her pictures and really want to marry someone who is very fair. Good for her he was truthful, she was saved from spending life with someone who has such petty thoughts.

Not one but three

Well, Anusha Sharma had three such experiences. Whether she rejected the guys (we hope she did!) or they did is not clear but let’s know the reasons which are not only weird but are also evidence of social stigmas.
One of the guys was quite curious if Anusha wears jeans and ‘of course’ she won’t wear it after marriage. The second guy didn’t want her to spend her money on her parents after marriage. The third was probably the funniest, as he didn’t want Anusha to continue her studies after marriage on the pretext of the fact that dreams are not always fulfilled.

The Snaskar is in your dress

Hema was a UPSC aspirant who was staying in Chennai for her studies. One day while enjoying her sweet relationship with her bed, she got an urgent call from her mother. She was supposed to get ready as a boy’s parents are coming to meet her. Without any option, she jumped out of the bed and managed to freshen up. As it was a hostel, she decided to dress in casuals that are quite sober as per the society. After some time, she meets the boy’s parents and they had a great time together.
After few days, they were supposed to come and meet her with the boy. Instead, they received a call from boy’s father that if she wears such clothes she cannot be a Sanskari girl. This was coming from guy’s parents who were very well educated and an elder brother who was settled in the USA.

Contact lens is bad!

Poojitha tells the tale of her mother’s rejection. The proud author of 16 Kannada books was rejected because she wore contact lenses. This was done just before the engagement! Unlucky for the person who rejected this renowned author and lucky for Poojitha that she is born to this wonderful lady.

With love from America

Binitha George Mathai meets a guy who is residing in America with Indian origin. On her mother’s instruction, she went to meet the guy. From starting, the meeting was getting haywire. It started with typical questions like enquiring about her sexual life, she politely smiled and let the question pass. However, after that, the drama started. The guy went on blabbering that how he wanted to have four kids and she is supposed to stay at home to look after the kids. Also, she will cook and he will take her out for buying groceries. Irritated by the time, Binitha sarcastically asked if he sees her as someone who is a nanny, cook, and cleaner for him while he goes out to party. Guess what he said? Yes! He wants to enjoy his life and thus want to marry a ‘traditional’ Indian girl. Binitha calmly looked at him and said that she has Clinomania and expectedly he freaked out that led to rejection. Of course, it was the lady who rejected him but the last bit was just for fun.

Too much love for parents

This young lady was rejected because of a reason that is downright bizarre. While meeting the prospective groom the first thing that irritated her was his blunt question about her salary and savings. However, being on the polite side she responded and said that her savings are now low as she recently invested in the remodeling of their house as a gift to her parents. With a quite stare, the guy replied that she cares too much for her parents. If she decides to do less then they can talk forward or he is rejecting her. She is glad he rejected.

Mr. Showoff

With a big ego and big mouth, this guy kept on boasting about his marks to his prospective bride. Nothing wrong in that unless you keep doing it just to show you are better than the other. Our lady in question politely listened until she started sharing her own academic excellence that was better than the guy’s. The next thing to boast was a visit to the USA that our lady also did and it irked the guy. At last, when it came to the salary he rejected her as she was earning more. In short, the lady was rejected as she was over qualified than him.

Rejected to due to a MEME

A guy was rejected after his was fixed because he sent a meme on girl’s mobile and girl found it sexual. She blocked the guy and eventually everything fell apart and marriage was cancelled. This story shows girl was not at all interested in the guy.
