The hunt for alien life with China’s FAST radio telescope

China has taken one huge leap in the search for alien life after it moved on the world’s major radio telescope. The hunt for alien life simply got bigger. The world’s biggest radio telescope has been switched on – and in progress looking for aliens. But it also assists as China’s giant hope for possibly receiving a message from aliens.

The wok is the world’s leading single-dish radio telescope, and it formally began operating on Sunday 25th September, supplemented by triumphant national television coverage, subsequently more than five years duration of construction. One success for the project would be receiving the kind of energy signal that would be directed by different civilisation called aliens deep into space.


The telescope will be attending out for the gravitational waves, radio discharges from stars and galaxies – and any type of signs of intellectual extra-terrestrial life approaching from deep in the universe. The project bears the potential to search for many strange objects to better comprehend the derivation of the universe and increase the global hunt for the alien life. After an early stint scrutinizing into deep space, the telescope will be let out to astronomers hopeful to detect emblems of alien life.

These astronomers compensate for hours on telescopes about the world and devote their time attending to the static of space. They are hopeful that if an alien civilization is in existence it is communicating through radio waves which can be directly detected by the telescope. The telescope will be utilized to penetrate deep into space to support unlock the mysteries of the formation of the universe and mainly about alien life.

Even if the signal is tremendously weak of distant, the telescope would be capable to detect it. The innovation would be competent to answer a long-lasting question about whether or not we alone exist in the universe. Many scientists consider there are other civilizations, but there is no indication of a single one till date. This problem is recognised as the Fermi Paradox, the indication that the universe is so huge there should be other intelligent life out there existing, but for some poorly assumed cause, we could not communicate with it. The telescope, which is in a grand but impoverished portion of Guizhou Province, symbolises China’s plans to grow as a scientific power.



The dish is prepared of 4,450 complexly positioned triangular panels and has a gathering area of 2.1 million square feet, equivalent to nearly 450 basketball courts. At diameter of 1,640 feet, it will be coarsely double as sensitive as the world’s subsequent-biggest single-dish radio telescope, the Arecibo Observatory located in Puerto Rico, which is about 1,000 feet across. The telescope will capable to detect radio signals and potentially signs of life from far planets.

The £140 million cost project, calculating 500m in diameter, examines for signals from galaxies and stars and listens out for alien life. Built at such a huge cost, the telescope dwarfs the FAST radio telescope in China as the world’s biggest single-dish radio telescope, with better the sensitivity and a huge reflector. Telescope is intended to search for intelligent life outer of the galaxy.

The construction of telescope has caused in the displacement of more than 2,000 families and approximately 9,000 people, residing within three miles of the area of construction site. The government claimed that moving occupants from the area was essential in order to make a sound electromagnetic wave environment for the operation of telescope. Representatives handed each affected resident the compensation of 12,000 yuan (around $1,800), corresponding to about half the average salary for Chinese workers, previously relocating them in neighbouring locations.

The natural landscape offers the impeccable shape and size for the construction of the telescope. The ground too offers enough support for the enormous telescope. The absorbent soil forms an underground drainage system that shields the telescope.

More about China’s FAST radio telescope:

A monument of China’s commitment to the arena of astronomy, the telescope will be utilised to learn pulsars and discover for alien life in the universe. The Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, FAST in abbreviation, is envisioned to project China’s technical determinations deep into the universe, carrying back dramatic findings and honours like Nobel Prizes. The Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is prepared to operate after continuous five years of construction.

The massive dish is supposed to be accomplished of detecting even the furthest and weakest radio signals, thanks to its advanced technology. FAST will need radio silence within radius of 5 kilometers. With FAST, China has confirmed that they have invested in becoming a world lead in radio astronomy and the hunt for alien life. Researchers supposed FAST’s vital goal is to “learn the laws of the expansion of the universe”.

A team of researchers at FAST will share statistics and information with researchers at the Green Bank Telescope, located in the U.S. and the Parkes Observatory in Australia to improve search methods and clean the sky for any kind of signs of intelligent life such as aliens.

Held in a karst hollow in the hilly landscape of southwest China, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, known as FAST is recognised as a process identified by astronomers as “first light” -when a telescope unlocks its eyes and takes its first images of the universe.

Its distant location in China’s Guizhou province was one of 400 places scientists measured more than 10 years. The egg-cup like shaped valley is seamlessly sized and the nearby mountains give a shield against interference of radio frequency.

“FAST’s potential to determine an alien civilization will be five to ten times that of present equipment, as it can see beyond and darker planets,” as suggested by the director of the NAO Radio Astronomy Technology Laboratory, told Xinhua. FAST’s size contributes the telescope a significant advantage, boasting a field of visualisation twice that of Arecibo Observatory and 10 times higher sensitive than the Effelsberg 100-meter Radio Telescope, located in Germany.

This also implies that the search for life has grown even bigger, literally and symbolically as FAST’s reach will be extensive and farther as compared to older and slighter radio telescopes.

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