When it comes to the festival of Diwali, the most usual thing you will do is possibly catch up with family and friends, burst several firecrackers, and booze the night out, and beforehand, you know, the adored festival of lights is finished.
Diwali can be a lot more exciting, provided you contribute to the festive spirit. After all, Diwali approaches only once every year, which is precisely why you should go a little out of the box and out of your way to make it extraordinary.
Here are 10 things you should do this Diwali.

1. Splurge

Diwali is the perfect period to make yourself and your esteemed ones feel good and to shop. Diwali is regarded as a good time for shopping; henceforth, use it as the perfect reason to lose your restraints and splurge your coinage.
Devote a little time to your family and splurge on shopping with family members. It is not advisable to go to a congested market, as the government has announced an alert for conceivable terror strikes. Offer markets a miss and visit malls to benefit lots of Diwali discounts on household items, clothing and toys.

2. Socialize

On the occasion of Diwali, almost everybody is in the mood and, more prominently, free to celebrate. Deprived of the strain of impending work on the mind, it is the finest time to catch up with friends. Either conduct a visit to their houses or unite a hangover at your own place. Bearing in mind the festive trend, a card party can be the best way to have fun and also catch up on a lot of missed time.

3. Bring out the artist in you

You might not know, but there is always an inner artist inside you in one form or another. Try contributing to the Rangoli by helping to bring out the best colors and designs to enhance the colors of this pleasant festival. Rangoli is not just a decoration; people trust that making Rangoli can bring good luck and wealth to your home.
You can bring out artist in you by making creative candles, diyas, lighting arrangements, etc.
Decorating Diwali candles can also add so much more charm to them. If you do not want to get into creating candles from scratch, you can decorate store-bought cans and add a touch of your imagination to them. You could paint them, add glimmer, or adorn them with flowers, shells, or stickers.

4. Give Your House a Makeover

This is the best time to give your house a new and cleaner look. If your house looks like a garbage dump, it’s time to tweak up your socks and prepare for a major cleaning drive. Occasionally, doing it all by yourself is splendid fun. If you are one of those people who keeps their homes spick and dangle, you can alter the decoration of your house. You should try giving your walls a new colour, having a fresh new curtain, and filling the house with flowers and spotlights to create a festive feeling around you.

5. Go Easy on the Calories

It is not necessary to suggest that Diwali also converts into sweets. All that sweating it out in the gym receives a dip with the commencement of the festival, as it is nearly impossible to say no each and every time you are provided with the good old sweet or other high-calorie delicacy. As an alternative of saying no each time, you could choose for dry fruits and roasted stuff in place of fried ones.

6. Create it a Family Affair

The saying that family comes first is especially true during festivals. Spending Diwali with your family helps reinforce your bond. If you live far away from your family, book your tickets and be among people that matter most to you. The pampering that you are going to get from your folks is only an additional advantage.

7. Minimize use of Firecrackers

We are all well aware of the adverse effects that firecrackers have on our atmosphere but we continue to turn a blind eye to it. Other than leading to dangerous air and noise pollution and contributing to the cause of global warming, it also has an injurious effect on our pets. What we should remember is that Diwali is a festival of lights without involving noise or smoke, so do minimize bursting firecrackers as much as possible.

8. Gift your loved one diamonds:

Nothing cheers a woman up more than a set of diamond jewelry, a pendant, or a ring, because, after all, diamonds are her best friends. And if you think that purchasing her chocolates and sweets will make her Diwali the best, then you are incorrect. Simply gift her diamonds and observe your house lit up with her smile. Do invest some money in purchasing earrings, jewellery, and rings for her.

9. Go on a short trip:

If you live alone in the large city and did not acquire a chance to visit your parents on Diwali, then you can surely plan a short trip along with your friends to a neighbouring hill station. Not only will you abandon the noise and pollution in the town, but you will also get the opportunity to explore a new habitation with your nearby group of friends. You can visit tramping destinations like Mussoorie and Nanitaal and take a time out from your hectic office schedule.

10. Indulge in Charity

A decent way to make your Diwali a happy and memorable one would be to improve somebody else’s day. There are a lot of deprived people out there who likewise love the fervour around the festivities but do not have the incomes to celebrate. You can either allocate sweets or clothes to poor kids or get in contact with any of the charity organizations if you wish to go the extra mile in trying to benefit the needy.

You relish the day with much passion with your family but not everybody is as privileged as you. Hundreds and thousands of children are residing on streets and working very hard as child laborers, and Diwali is just one more day for them. Simply open your wallet just a little bit for the unfortunates and drop a check to the NGOs working for the people who are less privileged. For this, God will bless you for sure.