Indians have waited for a long time to have a company that is competitive in digital domain for quite some time , a new company has emerged as victorious in Indian market named Jio.

Jio is not the next Tencent, it is the next Jio it is unique in its self because when Tencent just a gaming company Jio has emerged as a digital disruptor. Jio owns telecommunication infrastructure and digital infrastructure under umbrella called Jio platforms.

Till now Indians were hesitant to have a product-based company and have always dreamed of having one. India has all kinds of foreign players like Google ,Microsoft ,Oracle ,Adobe and many others but none of the Indian companies have shown guts to fight with them there are lot of service-based software companies in India but India was lagging behind in Product-based segment because it was very tough to compete with these global players until Jio came.

Jio is seen as a disruptor of digital ecosystem in India because when Jio came , it not only provided cheap internet but it also closed the doors of other telecom operators who could not keep the fight with Jio .

Jio is building telecom infrastructure and also creating huge apps and under the umbrella of Jio platforms.

if you need to search use Jio browser ,if you need to buy vegetables use Jio mart ,if you need to do meeting use Jio meet ,if you need to listen songs use Jio Saavn ,if you need to watch TV use Jio TV ,so what I am trying to say is that Jio is building an ecosystem that can possibly include millions of users under one umbrella just like Google did because google not only owns the search engine it also owns the infrastructure to run that search engine like Google chrome and it also makes laptops it also owns operating system like android .

Jio is heavily investing money in future technologies such as virtual reality ,augmented reality ,internet of things ,artificial intelligence, data science ,block chain and many others.

Recently Jio raised $20 billion in funding from investors like Facebook, Google, QUALCOMM ,Silverlake and others.

So why these companies are pouring money in Jio ? maybe because they’re seeing Jio as the next Google or they’re seeing Jio as the next Tencent or maybe they are thinking that Jio can be the next disruptor of digital ecosystem in the world.

One of the best example is Jio Glass. Jio Glass is a augmented reality device which weighs just 75 g and where you can hold 3D virtual meetings with your colleagues and friends . you cannot only have meetings but you can also learn new things you can see Taj Mahal you can visit the pyramids of Egypt and learn geography in person in a 3-D world like environment and how interesting that would be right.

Jio is saying that it has already developed 5G technology in India and is ready to test when 5G spectrum is provided they have developed all the things indigenously in India and their 4G experienced has helped them a lot to achieve this milestone.