Knowing the difference between ligaments and tendons becomes important as an individual wants to learn deeper into the study of biology. Besides, tendons and ligaments are crucial connective tissues in the body. The most important thing, the connective tissue tendon ...

Plants are categorized based on many criteria and one such class is the existence or scarcity of a vascular system. Essentially, a vascular plant has hustled features that support it to soak up water and minerals from the soil. These ...

Did you know when you are breathing, you are breathing elements. The air you breathe is made up of many elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and argon. Elements are everywhere. They are the building hurdles of everything on earth: your ...

In this blog post, we are going to learn about decomposers. A decomposer recycles dead plants and animals. When the plant’s and animals’ dead bodies stand, they become food for decomposers. An example of an animal decomposer is an earthworm. ...

First lets define what is displacement? Displacement is a vector quantity (which means that it has both magnitude and direction) and is the shortest distance between initial position and final position of an object. Displacement=Δx=xf​−x0 xf is final position and ...

Ever wonder how substances move around the body or how a metabolite gets in and out of the sound or how perfumes spray to spread the aroma around in a matter of seconds from the corner you spray it into ...

Well, we will tell you everything about erosion and you will be a superstar in your class. Erosion is where land is worn or eroded by forces such as rain, wind, and ice. I would like to point out one ...

Here, in this blog post, we are going to explore what is a compound, different types of compounds, and some of the examples of compounds. A compound is a pure element that is formed of the chemical combinations of two ...

Since Bio is usually related to living organisms and technology related to mechanics and computing. So perhaps biotechnology is related to yawning augmented super humans not quite so. Technology is the practice of techniques and science to produce products. Biotechnology ...

Bases are those chemical substances that taste bitter, soapy to touch, and turn red litmus to blue. A base is a substance that increases the hydroxide ion concentration in a solution so that’s one property of a base another property ...

Do you know that the earth is divided into natural areas called biomes? A biome is a large region of the earth that has a certain climate and certain types of living things like animals and plants. Some of the ...

The concept of balanced force can be easily understood, as it occurs in many aspects of daily life. All the objects that surround us, and that are stationary on the ground (a table, a piece of furniture, a parked car) ...