Well, we will tell you everything about erosion and you will be a superstar in your class. Erosion is where land is worn or eroded by forces such as rain, wind, and ice. I would like to point out one difference between erosion and weathering. Erosion carries away while weathering breaks down.

If you think of water erosion, look for really smooth stones around rivers. These smooth stones may have often tossed and turned around in the running water which makes them smooth. So erosion can change the way things look even like mountains, coastlines, and valleys too.

How does Erosion happen?

We mentioned those forces that are working all around us all the time like wind, water, and ice. There are other forces too. Erosion can take years and years and it can happen quickly in the case of a flush. It all depends on which force is working the hardest. The main force of erosion is water. It causes the most erosion on earth. It is also known as one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

How does the water cause erosion and what type of water?

First, there is a downpour and as it explodes the earth, it can result in erosion which is called splash erosion. When this water drops all get together and flow like a stream. This also causes erosion. They drive off lots of little particles along the underside of the river and off they move downstream.


The Grand Canyon. Can you believe that it was created by the Colorado River? It’s amazing to see how rivers change much. A huge flood can cause erosion seriously quickly. As they become powerful rivers, they change their things in their path.

Let’s learn about wind erosion now. The wind is quite a big force in erosion and this is more noticeable in dry areas. As wind moves along it picks up loose particles and dust along its way. But how does the erosion happen? Well, this is when particles go crashing into the land and break off more particles. Can you think of an example? Take a minute to think.

Dunes are a good example. Next time, you must go to a desert. Check out other forces of erosion. Have you ever seen rocks fall mountains? That happens because of gravity. Gravity pulls it down to earth. Let’s check out some cool things that were formed out of erosion. Did you know the 10 most incredible caves in the world are a result of erosion? 

Examples of Erosion:


Caves are formed out over thousands of years by streaming water, but that movement can be sped up by carbonic acid present in the water. As freshwater freeloads through the rock and soil and drips through breaks, it collects calcium carbide from the rock. When this water streams through rock, the ensuing carbonic acid erodes the rock until overtime, a cave formation occurs.

River Banks

The banks of creeks and rivers wear away over time as the water moves past it, carrying away sediment and putting it in the bank elsewhere.

Cracks in Rocks

Over a process known as exfoliation, rocks can wear away due to nothing more influential than energy from the sun. When rocks are warmed up quickly by the sun, the rock expands quickly. This abrupt expansion can result in small cracks form, breaks that propel the rock vulnerable to wind and water erosion.


Now that you are aware of some examples of various types of erosion, enhance your proficiency in a natural world by browsing our blog posts.