Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) has made India proud ever since its inception. Despite limited resources, it managed to achieve some huge milestones in the last few years. It came into existence in the year 1969, and since then it has only made India proud. The vision of ISRO is to harness space technology in a way that can help in the development of the country. ISRO is a unique organization in India where several brilliant and motivated minds work together under one roof to achieve some great things.

Let us check out some of the latest achievements of ISRO that has made India proud!

  1. ISRO Finally Launched Its Biggest Launch Vehicle

With GSLV-Mk3, ISRO successfully developed its heavyweight launch vehicle. This was one of the biggest achievements of ISRO in recent times that has made India proud. This launch vehicle is designed to carry the satellites that are classified as a 4-ton class to the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). The former version of this launch vehicle was GSLV Mk2 whose capability was half of the current one. Hence, it is definitely one of the greatest achievements for ISRO.

  1. The Launch Of 104 Satellites with Only One Rocket

ISRO’s historic launch happened on February 15, 2017, when it successfully launched 104 satellites into space. This was one of the most difficult and complicated launches in the history of space exploration for India. Six other nations helped India to make this launch a grand success. All the satellites mentioned here were launched through PSLV-C37 at once. This launch happened in Andhra Pradesh at a spaceport located in Sriharikota. They were successful in putting all the mentioned satellites in the desired orbit as planned. No doubt, ISRO garnered a big name in the world space research after this launch. Everyone around the world lauded this launch. It is a great achievement by ISRO, and things are only going to get better after this.

  1. The Launch Of 31 Satellites in One Flight

After the launch of 104 satellites, the launch of 31 satellites seems like a cakewalk for ISRO. However, it is also a big achievement because a rocket that weighed 995 kg has 31 difference satellites from various countries including the UK, US as well as Germany. This was done by Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or PSLV – C38. The satellites that were launched by PSLV – C38 are used to keep a track on water distribution and also monitor roads. It was an essential launch because it aims at making the lives of a common man easier. These satellites directly have an impact on the quality of living of people on earth. There is no denying that these achievements not just make India proud but also contribute towards improving the living standards.

  1. The Launch of GSAT – 9

The South Asia Satellite or GSAT-9 was launched by GSLV-F09 or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark II in the GTO. The launch happened in 2017 on May 5. This marks an essential launch because consequently, it was the fourth time that ISRO succeeded in launching a satellite that developed Cryogenic Upper State indigenously. The main aim of this launch was to have a smooth and hassle-free network for communication between South-Asian countries. With this launch, ISRO succeeded in establishing a solid network for communication amongst the countries in South Asia.

  1. ISRO’s Chandrayan Discovered Water on Moon

ISRO has made India proud numerous times. In the year 2009, India’s Moon Impact Probe (MIP) which was an unmanned craft that was sent to the moon successfully detected and showed evidence of water there. It was later confirmed by NASA as well. This was a big breakthrough in space research and India played a vital role in it. Despite having lesser research funds as compared to NASA, India has still always managed to surprise the world with our breakthroughs. This is definitely one of the biggest achievements of ISRO that will be remembered for the generations to come.

Final Words

These are only a few achievements of ISRO that have made India very proud. Thanks to these successful projects, ISRO has made a place at the international arena in space research. The idea behind the inception of ISRO was to carry out space research in order to make the everyday lives of people easier and much more comfortable than they are in the present times. With so many satellites launched in various areas including weather updates, traffic updates, and others, ISRO definitely lives up to its mission. The five achievements mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. The more you read about ISRO, the prouder you would be of it. Despite several restrictions in the budget, ISRO has been successful in every aspect.

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