The next big thing that can happen in the future is restaurants running on automated robots. We are already using robots in our production line for manufacturing vehicles and other goods, but these robots are costly, and we could not have imagined that one day these robots would come into our kitchen and cook food.

If you were surprised to hear this news, then don’t be, because it is no longer a dream to have a robot cook food for you.

Xiaomi Cooking Robot

What are cooking robots?

A cooking robot is a device designed to perform tasks that people typically perform in the kitchen. It can chop vegetables, whisk together ingredients, bake, grill, and prepare meals. These robots are excellent at handling food and have arms that move similarly to human arms.

They can also see how the food is cooking thanks to sensors and, occasionally, cameras. They make perfect use of this information when cooking the food.

The software of the robot is also crucial. It can learn new recipes from the internet or follow existing ones. Some robots can also run smart refrigerators.

Cooking robots can function independently or as a component of other kitchen appliances, such as smart ovens.

Food preparation is a specialty of cooking robots. It will begin preparing the meal for you after you choose a few preset recipes from the menu.

Don’t you trust my words? Okay, here is a robot from Xiaomi.

The Xiaomi Smart Cooking Robot transforms home cooking by combining 35 cutting-edge kitchen appliance features into one cutting-edge gadget. With the extra convenience of a voice assistant, it can handle anything from frying and steaming to kneading and grinding. With the help of its main pot and several attachments, this robot can prepare three dishes and one soup, greatly simplifying the process of preparing meals. Although consistency is guaranteed, test conditions and recipe variations may cause the actual results to differ slightly. It is a monument to contemporary culinary technology, providing a versatile method of cooking.

Well this is one such example There are many robots built to make cooking food easy. Let me introduce you to another robot from Moley Robotics.

Moley Cooking kitchen

A significant shift for home cooking is Moley’s robotic kitchen. It is unique in its kind. Time is saved with this robotic kitchen. You can enjoy food from around the globe and have meals tailored to suit various diets. You also get cooking advice from it.

In addition to cooking, the robot remembers ingredients, makes recipe suggestions, picks up on your preferences, and cleans up after itself. It is a fresh perspective on preparing and consuming healthy food.

It is simple to cook a variety of dishes with Moley. You can request the delivery of ingredients or collect them personally. Moley contributes to reducing food waste.

The robot and Moley’s appliances get along well. They are well-made and perform admirably. The pots and tools are pretty, safe to use on high heat, and fit on any stove. They are designed for use by both people and machines. Kitchen technology is now more advanced.

Cooking robots are needed in Japan due to a shortage of labour

In Japan, there is a huge shortage of human labour because the country does not have enough adults to work in the labour market or in a restaurant. The Japanese heavily rely on machines and AI for their day-to-day tasks, and one such machine is their cooking robot.

The company Eat&Holdings was unable to meet the high demand or inspect every dumpling during the pandemic with its staff by themselves.

Technology turned out to be the solution they needed. In January 2023, they inaugurated a new factory equipped with smart cameras. These cameras can detect any bad dumplings on the line. Now, two dumplings are being made here every second. Comparing that to their other factories, it is twice as fast.

According to Keiko Handa of the company, “we have reduced the need for workers by nearly 30%” with the help of AI.

They also unveiled I-Robo, a brand-new AI robot, in a restaurant in Tokyo. It is beneficial because there are not enough cooks to prepare meals.

Interaction between a cooking robot and a robot waiter

Cooking robots vs. restaurant robots?

Cooking robots and restaurant robots are two different kinds of robots. Cooking robots are responsible for cooking food according to their predefined menu and recipes, while restaurant robots, also known as robot waiters, are responsible for carrying food plates, carrying dirty dishes, and welcoming guests.

Robots can reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction if you own or operate a restaurant.

In crowded restaurants, robots lend a helping hand. Because of their versatility, human food servers are able to spend more time with patrons, resulting in a more pleasant visit.

When robots like Bella and Katty are around, work is safer. Human food servers no longer have to strain their shoulders carrying heavy trays; they do so without any problems.

Both customers and human food servers have positive opinions of robots. They make things faster and are fun for everyone, especially kids.

Robots are also exciting for people to see and can attract more customers.


We are in a robot age where robots will cook and serve food. Robots can cook food, but we are not sure if they can cook tasty food because they do not have hearts, so they can’t work with their hearts and love.

Time will tell what these cooking robots are capable of doing and how much they are able to replace a real cook.

This does not look possible in the next 10–20 years because humans are still the best at cooking delicious food, and a restaurant can’t replace it’s main cook just to save some bucks and compromise with the food quality.

But if someone is starting out a restaurant business and they do not have enough manpower and people to lead the restaurant, or if they want to save some bucks on waiters, then they need to go for robot cooks and robot waiters.