Why earning from AdSense blog is so low

google adsense

As time progresses, as we move from 4G to 5G, and as the internet improves, the consumption of videos and short videos increases. Most of the users who used to browse the internet and websites 10 years ago using 3G are now browsing YouTube, OTT, and Instagram reels using 4G and 5G; thus, improvement in internet speed is decreasing viewership of text-based websites. People are more interested in listening than in reading.

Advertisers are moving away from bidding high on websites and are going to video ads, which look more effective to them. It is much cheaper to advertise video ads on YouTube and other social media platforms than it used to be to use TV advertisements.

Each day, a new person becomes famous on YouTube or Instagram, but the same is not happening for a person who writes blogs. Now, a blogger hardly earns anything close to that of a vlogger.

What is the future?

The future for information-based websites is not bright because now even ChatGPT is providing information to students and teachers without having to browse the entire internet just to find simple answers. Certain AI like ChatGPT is the future, and one thing is sure: AI can’t entertain people, so only entertainment websites or reference websites with much in-depth knowledge will remain on the internet, and the rest will vanish.

Some bloggers who provide generous help to the users will also remain online because AI can’t replace them.

How do I increase earnings for a text-based website?

Do not rely solely on AdSense; find other opportunities like affiliate marketing, providing services to the users, or taking donations; that is the only way to go.

Will text-based websites completely disappear from the internet?

No, offline libraries will disappear, but not online. There is a shift going on in offline libraries where people used to come to read books; they are no longer coming; they are browsing the internet. This proves that text-based websites like Britannica, which provide much in-depth knowledge to the users, as well as entertainment and tool websites, will remain on the internet.

But simply focusing on a blog is not enough; now you need to have multiple sources of income, not just one blog on WordPress.

What is RPM?

Page RPM is a way to figure out how much money a website makes from ads for every 1000 times a page is seen. It’s a common way to track ad earnings on Google AdSense. It’s also called eCPM sometimes. This number helps website owners know which pages make more money and which make less.

To work out the page RPM, you take the money made from ads on a page, divide it by how many times the page was seen, and then multiply by 1000.

For example, if a page makes $20 from ads in a month and is seen 2000 times, the page RPM would be ($20/2000)*1000 = $10. So, this means the page makes $10 for every 1000 views.

Can you survive on an AdSense income?

Not many people can earn their full income from Google AdSense because it’s not easy. You need a lot of visitors to your website to make good money.

Imagine you have a website that 2.5 million people visit every year. The money you could make from Google AdSense could be between $8,000 and $45,000 a year, but it really depends on what your website is about.

If you’re a small blogger, Google AdSense can give you a little extra money, but you need lots of visitors to really make a living from it. That’s why many website owners try to make money in different ways too, like selling their own ads, getting commissions from sales through their site, or using different ad services, not just AdSense.

Even with a lot of effort to make your website better and get more visitors, making a lot of money with Google AdSense can still be tough.