Flying squirrels don’t fly like a bird they glide from one place to another and doing this they look adorable. Let’s see more interesting facts about flying squirrels:- Facts Flying squirrels have black big round eyes that make them cute. ...

Flies can be very annoying and bother you more than anyone. Some interesting facts about flies will amaze you when you’ll notice their style of feeding, breeding, and living so let’s take a look at them:- Facts  Flies don’t have ...

Flamingo word, is a combination of Spanish and Latin, which means Fire, and this beautiful bird appears bright pink or red sometimes looks like a fire.  The pink color of the flamingo bird is derived from its diet and it ...

Fishing cats are basically wild cats that are mostly noticed in South Asia including India, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh, etc. Fishing cats are double in size and weight and look heavy and muscular compared to a common house ...

The list of the fastest animals has been released, out of which we will give you information about the eagle, which is also known as the Peregrine Falcon. It has 1500-2000 species. Female Falcon lays 3-5 eggs at a time. ...

Earwig is a well-known animal of India. Its name in Hindi is Kankhajura or Kankhajura. At the same time it is known as ‘Kansla’ in Rajasthan, ‘Kankol’ in Punjab, and ‘Kansui’ in Maharashtra. Let’s know some amazing facts about earwigs:- ...

Fire-Bellied Toad The fire-bellied toad is one of the most common amphibians in its primary range, oriental fire-bellied toads are found in northeastern China, Korea, southern Japan, and southern parts of Russia. These toads are highly aquatic and usually seen ...

Eel fish is a snake-shaped fish. That is, its shape is exactly like a snake. This fish is found in water, and their life is unique. The eel fish is also called Bami fish. There are many species of eel ...

Elephants are the largest animals in the world that live on earth. Elephants are also considered the heaviest animals in the world. Usually, the weight of Elephants is up to 10 thousand kg, and the weight of some vast elephants ...

Eagle can be considered a flying beast. These birds of prey can be found throughout Eurasia and Africa and are found remotely in other parts of the world. They fly very high and have excellent vision. This bird is carnivorous ...

Dragonfly is larger as compared to other insects in the world. The largest of the dragonfly was 5 inches in length and 6 inches wide with their wings spread. This insect loves to fly and spend most of their time ...

Ducks are birds that we often see on the water floating. Ducks are very closely related to geese and swans. Ducks are smaller in size and have shorter necks. These birds can be found on both land and water. A ...