AI Educator 

An AI educator is someone who helps people understand and use artificial intelligence (AI) effectively. This includes teaching them about:

  1. Working with AI at Home: How to operate household robots and digital assistants.
  2. Using AI Tools: How to use AI for analyzing large amounts of data or making decisions.
  3. Understanding AI: Unlike someone who just explains AI decisions, an AI educator shows how AI learns and changes over time.
  4. Practical Use: They guide people on the best times and ways to use AI, how to provide it with the correct information, and how to interact with it to get the desired results.
  5. AI educators need to be great with people, know different teaching methods, be comfortable with technology, and understand the basics of how AI and machine learning work.

AI Jobs 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more advanced than virtual reality. Elon Musk has talked about putting chips in people’s heads to make them superhuman, showing us the amazing potential of AI.

AI isn’t just about creating superhumans, though. It’s also about building robots that work and improving how businesses operate. AI is growing fast, and jobs in this field will continue to be in demand.

Some worry that AI might replace human jobs, but a study by PwC suggests that new jobs created by AI could balance out any lost jobs, thanks to the growth and wealth AI brings.

Data Protection Jobs 

Laws about data privacy are increasing. Our personal data is valuable to marketers and politicians for selling products and running campaigns.

Sometimes, our data is misused or stolen. This leads to new jobs for data detectives, who track down and enforce data laws.

Investigations like the one into Cambridge Analytica, which influenced the US election and Brexit, have already begun.

Data Protection Officers (DPOs) play a crucial role in ensuring that organizations handle personal data responsibly. A brief summary of their responsibilities is provided below.

  1. Monitoring Compliance: DPOs keep an eye on how the organization handles data to ensure it follows privacy laws and regulations.
  2. Advising and Informing: They provide guidance to the organization on data protection obligations. If there are any questions or concerns about data privacy, the DPO is the go-to person.
  3. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): DPOs help assess the impact of new projects or processes on data privacy. They ensure that potential risks are identified and addressed.
  4. Contact Point: DPOs act as a bridge between the organization, data subjects (individuals whose data is processed), and the Information Commissioner (the authority responsible for enforcing data protection laws).

Gene Experts/Editors 

The UK government expects over 18,000 new jobs in gene and cell therapy by 2030. If you’re interested in genetics, this is a promising field.

Gene editing is debated because it’s like playing god, such as choosing a baby’s eye color. But it has medical benefits, like preventing serious diseases and improving life quality.

There are challenges and ethical questions to consider. Gene legislators are starting to set rules, and medical experts are needed to manage gene editing.

This sensitive topic is a big step forward for humanity.

Mental Health Jobs 

Efforts to reduce the stigma around mental health are encouraging people to seek help and support.

Mental health jobs are here to stay. Just like we need doctors and nurses, we’ll always need mental health specialists. Job postings for mental health skills have increased significantly since 2016.

The pandemic, economic downturns, environmental concerns, and the rise of remote work may increase the need for mental health professionals.

Data Broker 

Just like how brokers help with trading goods, there will be a new job called a data broker. These brokers will help make deals between companies that have data and those who want to buy it. They’ll ensure the buyer gets the data, the seller gets paid, and the data isn’t misused. With so much data being created every day (about 1.145 trillion MB), data brokers will likely have jobs for a long time.

Augmented Reality Developer

The Pokémon Go game, which started as a joke, earned billions of dollars. It was successful because it was new and combined a popular series with augmented reality (AR). AR is now being used in other areas, like fashion, where you can try on clothes virtually. As AR becomes more popular, there’s a growing need for developers who specialize in this technology.

Drone Expert/Pilot 

Drones are becoming more common and are expected to create at least 100,000 jobs by 2025. They’re used for delivering medical supplies, checking buildings, and changing how we get packages. We’ll need drone experts to make, look after, and fly drones.


Nowadays, with the help of the internet and new technology, it’s easier for someone to start their own business. As technology keeps advancing, there will be even more chances to create a business.

Future entrepreneurs must be flexible and quick to adapt. They’ll face fast-changing technology, shifting markets, and evolving customer preferences. To succeed, they should embrace new concepts, adjust their plans when needed, and stay ahead of the game.

Early Childhood Teacher 

An early childhood teacher is someone who helps young children learn and grow. They work with the community to create lessons that are important locally.

These teachers will focus on:

  • Engaging with Children: They will have meaningful conversations with kids and teach them about local culture and issues.
  • Promoting Values: They will encourage kids to care about their community, the environment, understanding different cultures, staying healthy, and using technology wisely.

Just like before, they will help children find out what they’re good at and what they like.

Robots will help take care of the kids and keep them safe, but the teachers will use the information from the robots to plan lessons that are just right for each child.

Early childhood teachers will be kind, good at talking and listening, know how to use technology, and understand how children grow and learn. They will work well with others, especially in their own communities.

Ethical Hacker 

Ethical hackers, also known as “white hats,” are professionals who find security flaws in computer systems. They protect against hacking, which is a big risk in our digital world where personal data can be stolen or held for ransom.

Ethical hackers think like cyber-criminals to uncover weak spots. They use techniques like social engineering, monitoring social media, analyzing algorithms, and simulating attacks to test security.

They work for large corporations, government bodies, and security companies to locate and fix security issues, update protections, and defend against cyber threats.

Ethical hackers are like detectives who love to solve complex puzzles. They are skilled in analysis, pay attention to details, and work well in teams. They are also skilled programmers with a deep understanding of cybersecurity.

Nurse Practitioner 

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a highly trained nurse who provides advanced care, sometimes similar to that of a doctor. NPs can work alone or with doctors to check, diagnose, guide, and treat patients. They can also write prescriptions and request tests. They work in various places like hospitals, clinics, schools, and more.

Work-from-Home Facilitator

Job seekers must adjust to the rapidly changing nature of work in the future. The prevalence of remote work has decreased as businesses move back into offices. Still, a lot of professionals appreciate the flexibility it provides. Removing this flexibility puts businesses at risk of losing talent. It appears that a hybrid work model that combines in-office and remote work days is a successful compromise. As we proceed, results-driven metrics will become more important than clocked hours. Employee well-being, sustainability, and lifestyle improvements are rising to the top. In order to address mental health and organizational cohesion, remote and in-office work will probably need to be balanced in the future.

Prior to 2020, very few businesses permitted remote work. These days, working from home is common due to the pandemic. Facilitators like these enable people to work productively from home.

Fitness Commitment Counselor

A fitness counselor helps people with their exercise and health. They work closely with each person to make a plan for getting fit, like losing weight or building muscle. They teach exercises such as lifting weights or doing yoga. They also give tips on eating healthy and staying motivated. 

During lockdowns, many of us gained weight. These counsellors use technology (like Apple Watches) to help people stay fit and accountable.

Smart Home Design Manager

Design managers organize the design tasks on construction projects. They oversee the creation of technical drawings and plans for building. They work with architects, engineers, and other experts to make designs that help both during construction and future maintenance. 

With more people spending time at home, these managers design comfortable and efficient home spaces, including home offices.

XR Immersion Counselor

As virtual reality becomes more popular, these counsellors help people use it for work training and collaboration. Imagine learning new skills in a 3D world!

Workplace Environment Architect

These architects design office spaces after considering health screenings and how people move around (like “elevator commutes”). They focus on employee well-being and how the design of office buildings affects it.

Algorithm Bias Auditor

With more online activity, algorithms play a big role. These auditors check if algorithms are fair and unbiased. They make sure the future workforce benefits from fair algorithms.

Algorithm bias can cause serious problems in decision-making. For instance:

  1. In healthcare, biased algorithms may wrongly diagnose or miss medical conditions based on a patient’s race or ethnicity.
  2. In criminal justice, biased algorithms can unfairly impact certain groups, leading to overrepresentation in the system.
  3. In employment, bias can discriminate against older workers or people with disabilities.

The consequences of algorithm bias are significant.

  1. It perpetuates discrimination and inequality.
  2. It creates unfair advantages or disadvantages for specific groups.
  3. It erodes public trust in decision-making.
  4. It can result in legal issues and harm an organization’s reputation.

Data Detective

Data scientists are in high demand, but they’re scarce. Data detectives help companies solve mysteries in big data. They bridge the gap between demand and supply.

Data detectives are like super-smart analysts. They dig into data to find hidden answers and solve tough problems. Some analysts just clean and sort data, but they can’t really find the valuable bits. Data detectives are different. They’re like Sherlock Holmes, using their skills to connect the dots and solve mysteries in the data.

They use tools like Excel, Access, Tableau, and SQL to explore and make sense of data. They ask smart questions to tackle big challenges and don’t give up when it gets tough. They look for patterns and clues that others might miss.

Data detectives are valuable because they use their skills to spot risks and chances for businesses and communities. They keep digging until they find out what’s really happening and what it means for everyone.

Cyber Calamity Forecaster

Just like a weather forecaster predicts the weather, a cyber-calamity forecaster predicts potential cyber attacks and threats. They analyze trends and data to monitor, detect, and forecast cyber risks. Their main job is to stay ahead of potential disasters. For this highly technical role, someone who loves IT, is a good problem solver, and thinks analytically would be a great fit. 

Predicting cyberattacks is crucial. The Cognizant Jobs of the Future (CJoF) Index shows growth in this field.

Tidewater Architect

Climate change and rising sea levels are global challenges. Tidewater architects work with nature to create resilient structures. Their work is vital for the 21st century.

Tidewater architecture is a type of house design mainly seen in coastal areas of the Southern United States. These homes have big porches that wrap around the sides (called “galleries”) and roofs with a shape like a hip. They were made for hot, wet climates.

Tidewater houses have spacious porches under a wide roof. The roof covers the porches without any breaks. These homes are built on a raised foundation to allow air to circulate underneath and protect against flooding (important because tropical storms often flood low-lying areas on the middle and south Atlantic coasts). The large porches also suit the warm subtropical climate, providing a breezy place to enjoy cooler evenings.

You can find Tidewater-style homes along the Atlantic coastal plain from southeast Connecticut down to northern eastern Florida. But they’re most common in southern Delaware through south Georgia. 

Human-Machine Teaming Manager

Robots are becoming common at work. These managers help people and robots collaborate seamlessly. Roles like robotics technicians are already growing rapidly. 

Robotics technicians play an important role in creating, maintaining, and fixing robots and automation systems. There are two types of robotics technicians:

  1. Assembly Technicians: They work closely with engineers and designers to put together robots and test their functionality.
  2. Maintenance Technicians: They ensure that robots keep working smoothly after installation.

Logistics Analyst

Logistics Analyst is someone who manages the supply chain of a company. They make sure that goods are bought, stored, moved, and tracked properly. They use special computer programs to organize and keep an eye on everything that’s being sent or received.

Public Relations Manager

They build and maintain a good image for a company. They manage a team, work with the media, and handle public statements.

Medical and Health Service Manager

They run the business side of healthcare facilities. They hire staff, manage money, and make sure patients get good services.

Marketing Jobs

They plan and run marketing efforts to attract and keep customers.

In the future job market, marketers need specific skills to stay competitive:

  1. Data Analysis:
    • Marketers must analyze data from various sources like social media and customer surveys.
    • The Internet of Things (IoT) will add more data from wearables and consumer devices.
    • While software helps, understanding statistics and data visualization is still valuable.
  2. Creativity:
    • AI tools don’t replace creativity; they enhance it.
    • Creativity becomes even more crucial.
    • Refining ideas and improving quality will be essential.
  3. Strategic Thinking:
    • More strategic roles mean anticipating consequences and planning strategies.
    • Critical thinking and identifying trends matter.
  4. Storytelling:
    • Brand storytelling resonates with audiences.
    • Marketers need excellent communication skills and consumer psychology understanding.
  5. Adaptability:
    • As tech changes, adaptability is critical.
    • Mastering digital marketing channels (social media, email, SEO) is essential.
    • Stay updated on emerging platforms.

AI is changing the marketing job landscape. Here’s how:

  1. Telemarketers:
    • They’ll be among the first to go.
    • Their role is easy to automate and not very effective.
  2. Proofreaders:
    • They might become obsolete, but not yet.
    • Humans still review content, even though software tools like Grammarly may eventually replace human reviewers.
  3. Market Researchers:
    • Their positions are at risk.
    • Tools can conduct research based on simple commands.
    • Chatbots automate customer surveys, reducing the need for human labor.
  4. New Roles:
    • Creative Automation Strategists:
      • Combine automation with branding for efficiency and ROI.
    • Marketing Psychologists and Customer Relationship Managers:
      • More focus on the human element.
    • Communications Managers:
      • Customers care about a business’s values, so PR resources are crucial

Social and Community Service Manager

They lead programs that support public welfare. They guide service providers and improve programs based on data.

Social and Community Service Managers:

  • Coordinate services and programs that help the public.
  • Guide professionals who provide assistance to those in need.
  • Connect communities and funders to support social services.

Their work includes:

  • Identifying issues.
  • Finding available services.
  • Leading awareness programs.
  • Advocating for individuals and families.

Where they work:

  • Nonprofit organizations.
  • Government agencies.
  • For-profit social service companies.
  • Typical places: offices, clinics, shelters, and hospitals.

Common Sectors Employing Them:

  • Individual and family services (29%).
  • Religious, grantmaking, civic, and professional organizations (12%).
  • Nursing and residential care centers (11%).
  • Local government (10%).
  • Community and vocational rehabilitation services (9%).

Populations they serve:

  • people who struggle with substance abuse.
  • People with mental health needs.
  • Older adults.
  • Veterans.

Remember, their specific duties can vary based on the organization’s size. 

Physical Therapist Assistant

They assist physical therapists in rehabilitating patients with injuries. They teach exercises and assist with walking aids.

Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs):

  • They are educated and licensed clinicians.
  • They provide care under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist (PT).
  • PTAs implement patient care components, collect treatment-related data, and collaborate with PTs to adjust care as needed.
  • Together, PTs and PTAs help people enhance their movement functions.

Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs):

  • They assist physical therapists in treating individuals of all ages, from newborns to seniors.
  • Many patients have injuries, disabilities, or health conditions requiring treatment.

How It Works:

  1. Examination: A physical therapist assesses the patient and creates a treatment plan.
  2. Goals: The plan aims to improve movement, manage pain, restore function, and prevent disability.
  3. PTA’s Role: PTAs implement the treatment plan, collect data, and give feedback to the physical therapist.


  • PTAs profoundly affect people’s lives by helping them achieve movement goals, maintain independence, and lead active lives.


Athletes train in sports like hockey or soccer. They need to be persistent and dedicated to remain fit. Here are a few examples of the various kinds of athletes that may exist in the future.

  1. Able-Bodied Athletes: These athletes compete traditionally, following existing rules. In the future, they’ll train against AI replays and digital twins, even facing virtual ghosts or human-like robots.
  2. Tech-Assisted Athletes: This category includes able-bodied and formerly handicapped athletes. They’ll use computerized body parts, like cyborgs. If cyborgs compete directly, it could be more exciting than unassisted duels.
  3. Humanoid robots will compete against humans under the control of brainwaves or gaze-based systems. Robot teams might play football against each other. Imagine a robot team defeating human football champions by 2050!
  4. Mental Athletes: These intellectual athletes excel in memory and mental contests. Competitive gaming will continue to evolve. 

Prosthetist (Prosthodontist)

Dental specialists who make false teeth and other oral devices for patients with dental issues.


  • It’s a specialized branch of dentistry.
  • Focuses on creating dental prosthetics (artificial teeth) for damaged or missing teeth.
  • The term comes from “prostho” (replacement) and “dontist” (teeth).


  • A dental specialist.
  • Receives extended training in making crowns, bridges, dentures, and other restorative treatments.
  • Also treats TMJ disorders.

Who Benefits?:

  • Anyone with:
    • Missing teeth.
    • Severe tooth damage.
    • TMJ pain or dysfunction.
    • Mouth or facial pain.
    • Cosmetic concerns.
    • Obstructive sleep apnea.

Difference from Dentists:

  • General Dentist:
    • Primary dental care provider.
    • Offers routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, crowns, and bridges.
  • Prosthodontist:
    • Dental specialist.
    • Receives extra training after dental school.
    • Specializes in tooth replacements (crowns, bridges, and dentures).
    • General dentists refer complex cases to prosthodontists. 

Software Engineering

  • It’s a detailed study of designing, developing, and maintaining software applications.
  • Solve issues related to low-quality software projects.
  • Ensures timely delivery of software to clients.
  • Follows rules and methodologies for effective software development.

Career in Software Engineering:

  • In practice, software engineers:
    • Design, create, implement, and upgrade software applications.
    • Analyze user requirements.
    • Deliver problem-solving software solutions.

Future Outlook:

  • A bright future due to increasing technological demands.
  • Demand rose by 17% in 2024 across all industries.
  • Organizations seek streamlined and accurate software solutions.
  • Scope widened with cloud services, AI, blockchain, and cybersecurity.
  • There is a rising demand for skilled software engineers.

Industrial Engineer

They design systems to make production efficient and reduce waste.

Industrial Engineering:

  • It’s an engineering field focused on optimizing complex processes, systems, and organizations.
  • Achieved by developing, improving, and implementing integrated systems involving people, money, knowledge, information, and equipment.
  • Crucial for manufacturing operations. 

Data Scientist

They use their skills in math and computers to analyze data and help businesses make decisions. Data scientists manage and uncover insights from data.

  • They’re key players in organizations.
  • High-ranking professionals with training and curiosity in big data.
  • The title emerged around 2008.
  • Thousands work in start-ups and established companies.
  • Their rise reflects the challenge of handling unprecedented data variety and volume.
  • If your organization deals with massive data (petabytes), you have a big data opportunity.


  • While tech tools (like Hadoop, cloud computing, and data visualization) matter, skilled individuals are crucial.
  • Demand for data scientists exceeds supply.
  • A shortage is a constraint in some sectors.

Chief Executive

They lead a company, make big decisions, and manage the overall operations.

  • The top-ranking person in a company.
  • Responsibilities vary, but often include:
    • Expanding the company.
    • Boosting profitability.
    • Enhancing share prices (for public companies).
  • CEOs oversee overall company operations.
  • The board of directors elects them.
  • Studies indicate that CEOs influence around 45% of company performance and impact 15% of profitability variance. 


  1. They’re medical specialists who address foot and lower leg issues.
  2. Treat injuries and complications from health conditions like diabetes.
  3. Also known as podiatric physicians or doctors of podiatric medicine (DPM).

Are they doctors?

  • Yes, they are doctors, but they follow a different educational path.
  • Podiatrists attend their own schools and have “DPM” after their names (instead of “MD”).
  • They can perform surgery, reset broken bones, prescribe drugs, and order tests.
  • Often collaborate with other specialists for foot and leg problems.
  • State governments in the United States license and regulate them.

Natural Sciences Manager

  1. They oversee scientists (physicists, chemists, and biologists).
  2. Focus on product development and scientific research.
  3. Direct activities related to research, testing, quality management, and technical production.
  4. Commonly work in life or physical sciences, mathematics, or statistics.

Other Titles for Natural Science Managers:

  1. Environmental Program Managers
  2. Laboratory Managers
  3. Research Managers
  4. Research and Development Directors
  5. Water Team Leaders

Architectural and Engineering Manager

An architectural and engineering manager oversees construction and renovation projects. They create detailed technical plans, manage resources, and communicate with teams and clients. Their expertise ensures that plans, materials, and methods align with technological requirements. They also enforce code compliance and maintain budgets and schedules.

Compared to an architectural and engineering project manager, the manager has a broader role. While project managers handle specific projects or contracts, these managers focus on staff development and long-term client relationships for the company. 


A pediatrician is a doctor who takes care of infants, children, teens, and young adults.

  • They focus on preventing, detecting, and managing health issues in kids.
  • Pediatric care starts at birth and continues until a child turns 21 or even longer.
  • Some pediatricians work in general practice, while others specialize in specific child health conditions.

Education for Pediatricians:

  1. Undergraduate Degree:
    • Pediatricians start by getting a four-year undergraduate degree.
    • During this time, they study pre-medical subjects like biology and chemistry.
  2. Medical School:
    • Next, they attend four years of medical school.
    • They learn about anatomy, physiology, and different areas of medicine.
    • Clinical rotations help them decide their specialization.
  3. Pediatric Residency:
    • If they choose pediatrics, they enter a three-year pediatric residency program.
    • Residency includes extra training in areas like newborn care, general pediatrics, and developmental-behavioral pediatrics.
    • Pediatricians gain the skills needed to treat various child conditions.
  4. Specialization:
    • After residency, some work in general pediatric practice.
    • Others pursue fellowship programs for additional training in pediatric subspecialties (like neonatology or adolescent medicine).


They take care of people’s teeth and gums, doing check-ups and dental treatments.

  • Dentists restore oral health and positively impact patients’ lives.
  • They provide preventive care, fix dental issues, and enhance aesthetics.
  • Independence: Dentists can own their businesses right after dental school.
  • Good Salary: Income varies but can be substantial for private practitioners.
  • Career Options: Dentistry offers clinical, research, and academic paths.
  • Flexible Lifestyle: Dentists choose their work hours and days.
  • Shaping the Future: Dentists contribute to oral healthcare through education and research. 

Aviation Jobs

Aviation is rapidly becoming more accessible to people worldwide. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Global Accessibility:
    • 51% of the global population resides within 100 kilometers of an International Airport.
    • An impressive 74% live within the same proximity of any type of airport.
  2. Congested Airspace:
    • As air traffic is projected to double over the next two decades, airspace is becoming increasingly congested.
    • This surge in demand necessitates a closer examination of not only the airspace but also the airports themselves.
  3. Airport Considerations:
    • Airports are strategically situated around population centers, operating at high capacity.
    • To accommodate forecasted growth, drastic improvements and efficiencies in airport infrastructure and air traffic management are imperative.
    • Innovation will play a pivotal role in achieving this.
  4. Aviation’s Technological Drive:
    • Aviation has long been a driving force for global technology development.
    • Innovations include:
      • Lighter, Quieter, and More Efficient Engines and Aircraft
      • Robotics
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Internet of Things (IoT)
      • Unmanned Aircraft Systems
      • Hybrid and Electric Airplanes
  5. Alternative Fuels and Sustainability:
    • Alternative fuels can significantly impact aviation’s environmental footprint.
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data investments promise enhanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
    • These technologies will optimize aviation infrastructure and airspace utilization.
  6. Urban Mobility:
    • Beyond intercontinental and city travel, aviation is now influencing mobility within cities.
    • While these innovations currently focus on moving goods, they will soon become viable for passenger transportation as well.
  7. Impact on Sustainable Development:
    • This wave of aviation innovations will extend beyond the industry itself.
    • It will shape the broader transport sector and contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Here are some of the aviation jobs that will exists even in future.

Aerospace Engineers:

  • They work on aircraft and spacecraft.
  • Education: You usually need a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering or a related field.

Skills Needed:

  • Analytical and critical thinking.
  • Ability to solve complex problems.

Security Clearance:

  • Many aerospace engineers work on U.S. government defense projects, requiring security clearance.

Practical Experience:

  • Some schools partner with companies for hands-on training.
  • Some universities offer combined bachelor’s and master’s programs.
  • Advanced education opens teaching or research opportunities.

Professional License:

  • Experienced engineers can earn a professional engineer license.
  • Requires an accredited engineering degree and passing exams.

Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians:

  • They work with aviation equipment.
  • Skills Needed: Detail-oriented, good communication, critical thinking, math, and technical skills.


  • Not mandatory, but skills-based programs can help.
  • Certification through the Federal Aviation Commission improves hiring chances.

Education Options:

  • Certificate and diploma programs from vocational-technical schools.
  • Employers prefer candidates with an associate degree in aerospace engineering technology.
  • Security Clearance: Required for defense contracts (may need U.S. citizenship).

What They Do:

  • Ensure safe airplane designs.
  • Support engineers in aircraft and spacecraft development and testing.
  • Tasks include programming flight simulations, calibrating systems, and maintaining test facilities.
  • Conduct tests, analyze data, and diagnose problems.
  • Also known as avionics technicians. 

Air Traffic Controllers:

  • They manage aviation safety and security.
  • Authorize, control, and monitor aircraft flow.
  • Responsibilities include:
    • Organizing arrivals and landings.
    • Relaying instructions to pilots.
    • Using radar and computers for safety.
    • Inform pilots of emergencies.
    • Monitoring ground traffic.

Education and Certifications:

  • Requirements:
    • U.S. citizenship.
    • Age under 31 (for those without experience).
    • Training from recognized colleges (FAA-approved).
    • Graduation from the Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative.
    • Qualifying score on the FAA pre-employment test.
  • Experienced workers (e.g., Armed Forces training) may have exceptions.
  • Regular drug tests, physical exams, and performance assessments. 


Orthodontics is a part of dentistry that deals with fixing “bad bites” (malocclusion). Common treatments include braces, clear aligners, and retainers.

Why does it matter?

  • How your teeth fit together affects your oral health.
  • Improving your bite can prevent cavities, gum disease, and excessive wear.

Who provides orthodontic treatment?

  • Orthodontists specialize in improving your bite.
  • They receive extra training after dental school.
  • Unlike general dentists, they don’t do fillings or crowns.

When Should Kids See an Orthodontist?

  • By age 7, according to the American Association of Orthodontists,.
  • Early treatment can reduce the need for major dental work later.

Who Benefits?

  • Almost everyone gains from orthodontics.
  • Beyond appearance, it improves chewing and overall oral health. 

Conclusion: There is a huge shift going on from traditional jobs to the most advanced future jobs, and we expect today’s kids to work harder and take on these advanced future jobs. Parents need to teach their kids to use various kinds of AI assistant tools and make them ready for the future.
