फ्लोराइड असल में एक प्राक्रतिक तत्व है जो मिटटी पानी में मौजूद रहता है एवं यह फ़्लोरिन के यौगिक समूह से मिलकर बनता है| वैज्ञानिको ने बहुत पहले ही इस बात का पता लगा लिया था कि पानी में फ्लोराइड ...

Spydr : Hey Bro, Why Mumbai Floods every damm year Roach: Because local government is lame, they do not want a proper solution to this problem. Spidr : How can we solve this problem Roach: Ban plastics, make proper drainage ...

वैज्ञानिक वर्गीकरण जगत (Kingdom) : (Animalia ) जंतु संघ (Phylum) : (Chordata) कौरडेटा वर्ग (Class) : (Mammalia) स्तनधारी गण (Order) : (Carnivora) मांसाहारी कुल (Family) : (Felidae) फ़ेलिडाए वंश (Genus) : (Felis) फ़ीलिस जाति : फ़ीलिस कैटस बिल्ली – एक ...

Packaged juices are considered healthy by most people, and they regularly have it for breakfast or during the day. However, is it healthy to consume these juices daily? Let’s check the ingredients in these juices to find out! Tropicana Juice ...

Instant noodles are usually a lifesaver in times of sudden and extreme hunger and when no other option is available. But have you thought about the ingredients of these instant noodles and their health effects? Are they as good for ...

Dorritos, Nachos, and Bingo Mad Angles are some of the most loved snacks in India. They are enjoyed in parties or while watching a movie. They are suitable for munching. But are they good for health too? Have you ever ...