10 Facts About Ducks

Ducks are birds that we often see on the water floating. Ducks are very closely related to geese and swans. Ducks are smaller in size and have shorter necks. These birds can be found on both land and water. A baby duck is called ducking while the male is termed to be drake. Now lets us learn some facts about these ducks.

10 Interesting Facts about Ducks

Features of ducks are waterproof. They are not even wet when they do underwater drive.

Ducks are omnivorous. They do eat aquatic plants and insects. 

They are very social animals. The mother always protects the ducklings until it is 10 days old.

Ducks generally lay their eggs during the daytime (in the presence of light). 

It takes around 28 days to hatch but the Muscovy ducks take about 35 for their eggs to hatch.

Ducks are domesticated by a human for more than 500 years. There are more than 500 different breeds of domesticated ducks.

There are three eyelids present in the ducks’ eyes. They can see colors and their field of vision is about 340 degrees.

Like many other animals, ducks eat small stones and gravel that help them break down foods for digestion.

Ducks make sounds known as quacks to communicate with themselves. It is a myth that their quack does not echo.

A duck can live 5 to 10 years on average.